Sunday, October 24, 2010

in the aftermath;

14102010. I'll never forget that date. I respect and hail this man even more now. Not only does he have MAD vocals and a sexy strut, but he is also a very friendly, honest, open minded and direct individual. I thank Sony Music Malaysia for giving me the opportunity to attend his press conference :)

The Glam Nation Tour was freaking BRILLIANT. The lasers, the dancers and the atmosphere was fawesome. Adam did a pretty good job performing his songs, though I felt that he did some pretty fast. He performed 13 songs, majority from 'For Your Entertainment Tour Edition' and 2 idol songs; Ring Of Fire and Mad World. The vocals and flamboyant outfits did not fall short at any number, afterall, thats what people went for, the lights, the glitz and the glam, and okay the obvious love for the american idol runner up. He did 4 numbers in acoustic during the show. Some might say that it didn't flatter the gig but I felt that it was necessary for him to do a few songs unplugged. It complimented his vocals and oh man, it was so hypnotic, he did my 2nd favourite song unplugged, I was soo fucking happy :') other than that I felt that the show should've been longer though, I didn't leave with temporary bad hearing, exhaustion and unbalance-ness. I wanted MORE.

Not only did 16000 people attend the show, but so did 40+ (i think) unhappy protesters. I really am pretty dissapointed with the protesters. I highly doubt anyone went to the concert because Adam is gay. Yeah, after seeing him live it makes us want to stop making babies and sleep around with the same gender. Rightt.. So much for an open minded country. Pretty funny though seeing a bunch of people with disrespectful signboards outside a paid concert venue. Did it not cross their minds that everyone has bought their ticket; noone is going to forfeit a 3 digit value ticket just like that? It really does make them look very dumb. And apparently, I am gay now because I attended the concert. Whoopy. Love how he responded to the whole he should be banned in Malaysia situation; "I think I can survive the concert without one kiss."

Anyway, let's let the pictures do the talking. Upgraded to the Digi Zone by the way. Spank you very much Mabel!

this was during 'Aftermath' :')

Oh and for your information Truebies, Adam prefers Eric over Bill. I cannot wait for my next Adam Lambert concert.